Monday, July 19, 2021

People Have Gone Mad

Strange times. Science fiction movies playing out before our eyes. Medical practice complicit in mass murder. Mainstream media complicit in mass murder. Peeps walking around repeating phrases they heard on television. How many times does this cycle have to repeat before the human race awakens to its true nature? I'll put the kettle might be a while.

FB Post from June 2020

The Establishment was so sure its corporate takeover would go without a hitch, it did not properly prepare for an immediate implementation of Plan B. The takeover bid, although working well on millions of former humans turned automatons, has run into a glitch in the form of self-aware citizens.
The Establishment's response to this was, "Turn up the volume. Make them think the v-i-r-u-s thingy IS a pandemic. They won't know the difference; they believe whatever the 'Daily Spin-Big Screen-Eff-Your-Dreams-Buy-Into-Ours' tells them."
Here in Oregon, Brown is about to turn the volume way up...and so am I. Meanwhile, I will walk, mask-less, through the streets of my little city, carefully wading through the mountains of dead bodies. Gosh, it's inconvenient.
I went for a dip in the river this morning and had quite a bit of trouble negotiating the thousands of floating corpses. How sad too that every third person I know has dropped dead. I can, quite literally, smell the decay all around me. O wait a minute. Perhaps that smell is something else. is the putrefaction of perceptual engineering.