Good Morning Freethinkers

Good Morning Freethinkers
When we don the armor of God, please understand it is ethereal armor...celestial cosmic armor. It is not heavy. It will not weigh you down. Do not imagine yourselves weighed down, as were the knights of old. It is not cumbersome. It is the finest gossamer, radiant in appearance and it weaves itself into your aura, illuminating your highest self, the best version of you. With this armor, shift your perception from, "I am being attacked." to, "I am a manifestation of the Cosmic Divine. I operate above the disease and dysfunction of the world." This subtle shift in perception is the difference between a successful, functional life, and a mediocre, half life.
Labeling people questioning the official narrative as anarchists is all the proof you need that we are in the midst of a totalitarian takeover. If you still can't see this, look up into the sky. See those clouds? Those are actually neon colored inflatable donkeys wearing top hats.
An Ode to the Deceivers:
Ani note: I have no partisan affiliations...all parties are corrupted by Deep State money. My personal ideology can best be described as Naked Libertarianism. I support DJT because he is the only one, thus far, with the cajones (and soul contract) to take on the forces of darkness.
I told you they would come for your children. I told you they would hide the statist curriculum from parents. I told you they want to turn the entire planet into one homogenized, pasteurized, sanitized, dehumanized, colorless goo. I told you about compliance by pharmaceutical products. I told you all about the totalitarian takeover. I explained it step by step. Did you listen? No. I told you sweet potato pie had no calories. I lied about that one...
The concept of God's Chosen People is immature, to say the least. There is no one chosen race. Unconditional love equals absolute equality in the eyes of the Divine. Do not confuse the words of man with the essence of God. This may be applied to many situations, such as the supposed divine right of kings. No such thing. Monarchs are thugs who have killed other thugs and taken their power. Rinse and repeat. We have much to unlearn.
Good Morning World. So, now that we have NWO minions telling us to wear face diapers indoors because most of the sick people are the ones who have inserted the "you know what" into their bodies, PLEASE tell me you have found the courage to review the last two years and connect some dots. The emerging pattern is the one we warned you about at the start of this darkness...the one we have warned you about for decades, truth be told. Why is it no one ever takes action until the wolf has broken down the door and taken the first bite?
There are people out there who would rather see Americans die than admit that someone outside their partisan affiliations suggested a safe, inexpensive and viable alternative to vaccination.
A few peeps have asked me how I maintain spiritual stamina during these trying times. The spiritual stamina part is not difficult. Once you figure out that everything functional and worth having/experiencing comes from cosmic alignment, you focus on achieving and maintaining that alignment. The challenge for me has never been the spirit, it has been the human, as in my chubby little human body.
I suppose this is too obvious. Take a peek at the sectors of society the cabal, through the babbling brain dead minion posing as something he is not, are wishing to vacksterminate. How many times have we told you that the goal of the bad guys is to first weaken and then dissolve America's infrastructure? O missed that one too?
July 30 2021. Random excerpts from the Book of Imbecility. Faithfully scribed by Ani Mad Shaman Avedissian.
So, I shall 'splain it simple.
Please private message Ani Avedissian (on FB) or email her at for details and an invitation. For now, on location attendance is by invitation only.
A significant percentage of peeps who have contracted a certain pathogen, and I mean a significant percentage, over 50%, dated Francine, with most having dated her twice...their figures...not mine.
Why would house dims block an investigation into the origin of the poet Ovid? Is there more to Metamorphoses than we have been led to believe?
I have no partisan affiliations. I support the ones who seek to eliminate the Cabal.
Well, if you really want to know what I think, listen in but be warned...I don't add mixers to my bourbon.
And once again, for those who sleep under mossy stones and live under a cloud of delusion, the current administration wants to make life "uncomfortable and difficult" for those who do not wish to inject themselves with an experimental product for a condition that does not exist...and don't bother arguing that last point with me on social media...if you can't see the obvious, I will not waste my time responding.
Strange times. Science fiction movies playing out before our eyes. Medical practice complicit in mass murder. Mainstream media complicit in mass murder. Peeps walking around repeating phrases they heard on television. How many times does this cycle have to repeat before the human race awakens to its true nature? I'll put the kettle might be a while.
How many people have to die before you realize you've been conned? Not dying fast enough for you? Just wait...