Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ani Has A Snack

Hello World...Ani Here.

When one has been overweight for some time, peeps can and will convince you they have the best solution for your uncomfortable condition.  I made the mistake of listening to them.

"You should do Atkins."  "You should go back to being a vegetarian."  "Paleo is the only way.  Be a cave woman."  "Keto is the way, Ani.  Do Keto."  "Why not try starving yourself for twenty-one days? It will reset your system."  "Eat whatever you want but eat only once a day."  "I did Jenny Craig and it worked.  Why don't you try it and see?"  "There is a guy in Peru who can set you up with reptile eggs.  It is a miracle diet!"  "Have you tried the Windex diet?  When you experience cravings, you sniff the Windex and it curbs the appetite."  And the list goes on...and so do the pounds.

Having grown weary of all this nonsense, I decided to put the brake pads on strange diets and fads.  I sought advice from my late beloved Welsh spiritual teacher.  "Mother Carys!  Advise me please.  The world has gone mad and I am too fat to deal with it in a functional manner.  How should I proceed?"

Mother Carys looked down upon me from her heavenly pod and replied,"Do you remember a conversation we had a long time ago, when you were but a child?  For the solution to any problem, you must look to your roots.  In this case, look to your native tribe.  The answer is  contained within your blood."

Thank you, Mother Carys.  My blood work was most revealing.  Dietary suggestions for my blood type mirror, almost exactly, the food prepared by my Armenian family.  Add to it daily exercise, a goodly dose of moderation and total elimination of all processed and GMO foods...and we are back on track.  

Missing the obvious is something we humans are quite good at.

I wish you peace and all things cool :-)