Saturday, June 6, 2020

A Little Pat of Poetry

A Little Pat of Poetry

Go Away . . . I Do Not Care
A little tongue in cheek ditty for all those peeps who feel I would benefit from reading their poorly written dissertations on why they are leaving my Facebook group.  I hope you find a hobby to fill the gaping void in your lives.

If you want to unfollow my page, click the button,
get it done and save yourself the torture.
I am not an airport . . .
you do not need to announce your departure.

It is none of my business how you react
to my posts and information shared.
Have a meltdown and rant if you must,
then please go away . . . because I really do not care.

I post to share my research and
to promote general awareness,
To highlight what you may have missed
with regard to injustice and unfairness.

If my words offend you,
scroll down for more palatable news.
Why engage with something that offends you . . .
unless of course you enjoy that type of abuse.

If you feel affronted by my point of view
being contradictory to yours,
Big whoopie for you . . .
I am just going to kick back and open a can of Coors.

If you want to unfollow my page, click the button,
get it done and stop playing the martyr.
One more time, I am not an airport . . .
you do not need to announce your departure.

-- Ani Avedissian
Really Bad (but occasionally brilliant)
Poetry from a Mad Suburban Shaman