A-isms: I have spoken of Deep State for decades now. The corruption runs across the board and that is why I ask peeps to step away from the immaturity of partisan politics and focus on good versus evil, darkness versus illumination.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
It's Not Too Late To Do the Right Thing.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
White Walkers
A-isms: The Establishment has fed us bovine feces since March. Are you full yet? Or perhaps you have developed a taste for excrement and long for more. Friends, one doesn't just step away from the BS. One scoops it up and smears it over the faces of the people who provided the feces. Winter is here...and the White Walkers do not exist. Well, not yet. One must be inoculated to be transformed.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Common Sense Tidbit: Universal Basic Income would be groovy if it came from a benevolent entity. The Establishment is not a benevolent entity. One source of income that can be repealed whenever you piss off the sociopaths. Having an opinion contrary to the official Luciferian narrative will piss them off. Why bother having an incarnation if all you want is slavery?
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Through the Back Door.
So, just curious and asking for a friend and all that...what did you think an attack on religion would look like? Did you not think it could come in the form of a lockdown with restrictions becoming more severe closer to the holiest of days?
Friday, November 20, 2020
Odds and Bods cont.
Some of my blogs are serious...some of them are mysterious...some are great and some are tongue in cheek bait...you decide which ones to fall for and which ones to ignore.
When you encourage people to riot but restrict family gatherings...the agenda is clear to anyone with half a functioning brain cell. Then again...
So...months later...the only curves I see flattening are the ones on those who are dieting. Still think it's about a virus? Don't bother answering that because clearly, some of you do.
So...the murder hornet fallacious ensign (E.A.G.O. Establishment Awareness Gauging Operation) went nowhere. Did they run out of AAA batteries to stuff up their little arses. What's the next buzz?
Friday, November 13, 2020
Is it done?
"But Master, even by our own dark creed, the humans are required to prove their willingness to be enslaved. We cannot move forward with the Great Culling without proof of acquiescence. "
From November 3rd...quickie
Am not making predictions but, looking at the current state of the pool of potential, looks as though we will have another four years to smash the guts of Deep State.
Keep Calm and Carry On.
Keep calm, Peeps

Will the Hobbits Fight Back?
OMG...it's Friday 13th...and the media still do not have the authority to declare election results because, you know, due process and all that. Illusion. Smoke and mirrors. The truth will out and it will cut through this crap like shiny scissors.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
All Hallows Eve
All Hallows Eve
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Keep Silent and Lose Your Voice?
New World Order. One World Government. The 1% rules this planet for another 1000 years. Game over.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Hammer and Sickle Time?
Good Morning, We the Peeps

Thursday, October 22, 2020
Forced Homogenization is Not Unity
If you do not accept that a Deep State ideology exists, kindly move off my page. Nothing I post, nothing that happens on the world arena for that matter, will make sense to you.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
The Swamp
😎 Surprising but true...peeps have given no thought to why career politicians with decades of employment in legislature went ballistic, with bells on, when a political outsider was elected to the office of president. Peeps just ate up whatever the media fed them. They deny this, of course, but that is the nature of brainwashing. One denies one has been brainwashed.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Lulling Before Culling
Good Morning

Race and Sex
PLEASE NOTE: Peeps, if you do not believe The Establishment exists, my posts will not make sense to you. Move along now. Nothing to see here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Odds and Sods
Malfeasance. Thousands will go to prison. Media. Medical. Politics. Militia.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
If 2020 Wrote a Memoir...
If 2020 writes a memoir, it will be titled, People Searching for Their Brains While Shoving Their Heads Up Their Arses. Part One.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Random Thoughts. Karens and Brads.
Hey Peeps :-) Just returned from running errands. I would avoid Wilsonville today. One part of town is Karenopolis...the other is Bradlandia. I don't think I have ever told someone, in public, to go home and engage in vigorous self-copulation but hey...today was that day. Am I proud of myself? Well, actually, yes. Tee Hee.
Ransom Thoughts. Civil War
As we gear up for the next Civil War, it might be a good idea to pick which side to support. Freedom or Tyranny. That said, if you still read mainstream news, left or right or green, and believe they are unbiased...if you do not believe there is a Deep State agenda to turn the world into one colorless, homogenized goo of brain washed automatons, you will probably confuse freedom for tyranny and visa versa. Just a heads up then, from me. Time for my delicious low calorie breakfast smoothie.
FB Censorship
Attention Peeps :-) Starting September 30th 2020, anything I have to share pertinent to our personal and collective evolution and the betterment of mankind, will be censored on FB. You will not be able to read my posts on FB as they will be censored.
I will continue to pontificate daily through my blog on Blogger.
I will post, on FB, a link to my blog, every day, several times each day...I have a lot to say and am not shy about sharing my thoughts.
You can also access my blog through my website www.aniavedissian.com
I also have a presence on Parler and Twitter but am limited by the number of characters I can use so, linking to my blog is the best option for now. Staring October, I will also be on Bitchute, Brand New Tube and Brighteon. It's a lot of work getting this together so please be patient with me.
Peace be with us all.
I will use FB purely for casual social interaction and recipes.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Erase History? So many Idiots...
Here is my two cents worth for the mind controlled minions who feel they are so under-represented, they have to tear down statues they feel portray a bygone era.
It is called history. It happened. Someone wanted to commemorate it, to acknowledge it. Someone erected a memorial to it. It was constructed to convey the sentiment of the era.
As society changes, and not always for the better it seems, citizens have to option to request and commission statues/plaques/memorials/fountains/urinals that reflect the sentiment /diversity/dysfunction of the current era. These would stand along side the others.
What on Earth do you hope to achieve by attempting, in immature, criminal and incredibly amateur ways, to erase history? One hundred years from now, would you think it acceptable for others to erase your contribution to society...be it good, bad or somewhere in-between?
Do any of you have any capacity for independent thought? Don't bother answering that last question. The mental anguish it will cause might be the end of you. Then again...go ahead and give it some thought on your way to the dry cleaner to pick up your blue Chairman Mao suits.
Hey Children...What's That Sound?
👀 Good Afternoon folks and welcome to another episode of the Brain Wash Factor. Let's see how much headway the Establishment has made in convincing people to pour venom and vitriol on the one man brave enough to take on Deep State and work tirelessly to make our enslaved country whole.
Well, I see the programming is still in effect in many parts of the country but wait...hey children...what's that sound...everybody look what's going down...there's something happening here...and if you reclaim your minds it will become clear.
Stay tuned folks because the Silent Majority is about to burst into song. Exciting times ahead!
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Ani's Birthday Poem (so you have to be nice to her)
Ani's Birthday Poem (so, you have to be nice to her) 09/01/2020
Since today is my birthday, I have been quiet.
You may have noticed.
But I will say one thing on this special day...you are all wrong about Potus.
There is no point in arguing or getting irate. You would agree with me if you truly understood Deep State.
Peeps are confused...can't tell Butterscotch from Ashwaganda.
That's what I mean when I talk, ad nauseum, about the effects of propaganda.
I'll leave it here for now as there is a cold beverage waiting for me in a can
And I will remind you once again, these comments are not partisan.
The reason I drone on, each and every day
is because I see the threat to the sovereignty of the American Way.
I don't know anymore what it will take for the truth to hit home.
So many are brainwashed and suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.
It is a free will universe so I have to let you do your worst
But I weep... because I know that what you mistake for freedom.. is a self-inflicted curse.
I wish you peace and all things cool :-)
Thursday, August 27, 2020
It is So Obvious...It Is Worth Pointing Out.
😀 Hi Peeps :-)
Mainstream media is bias. Items posted on social media are fact checked (I use the term in jest) by the Establishment which means they are censored by the Establishment.
Most peeps are still posting and commenting through partisan filters. Most are too brainwashed to know they are doing this.
Why are we still walking around with masks? Why are we tolerating the destruction of our cities by paid for wanna-be thugs? Why does the DNC have a strange little logo?
This is what happens when we become distracted, indoctrinated and feeble-minded. We become self-absorbed. The bigger picture becomes blurred and one day, we find that the people doing the blurring have erased our faces. Masks are the first step.
Please know that in my big picture, this ends with the likes of Fauci and Gates, followed by all the mayors and governors who supported them, being tried for crimes against humanity and treason. Then comes execution.
If you know anything about dark forces, you will know that execution by the collective (We the People) is required to break the Luciferian agenda. They love their rituals...the dark ones. I love rituals too. Can't wait to see some of my preferred ceremonies performed and witnessed.
In my naivety, I thought it would be amusing to watch this end of days scenario play out. I thought I would take it lightly. I was wrong. Watching people defend and glorify their oppressors is painful.
Lavender's blue dilly dilly
Lavender's purple
In about three more months
We will all come full circle.
Are They Feeling the Heat?
Hey Peeps :-)
It's about to get real. Globalists are feeling the heat. Peeps be waking up. Peeps be asking questions. Peeps be peeved. Expect the Establishment to throw all they have at us. Both sides are fighting for their lives and it is exceptionally dirty behind the scenes.
It will be a real nail biter, up and down and around and, at times, it may seem that the globalist propagandists are winning but...and it's a big but...corruption will be exposed and the light still holds the trump card.
Reminder: don't bother commenting on my page if you do not believe in/understand deep state ideology. Nothing on the world arena will make sense to you if you do not understand what it is. Your comments will be deleted, as will any rudeness or immaturity.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Fallacious Ensigns
Hey, Peeps :-) Watch out for a Fallacious Ensign attack coming to a town near you. Since we are already in the realms of the ridiculous, yes we are, this one will involve phony alien attacks.
I am not the only person talking about this. Deep State peeps are getting very pissed off with all this awakening. Make no mistake...they are nervous...and with good reason.
Should you see light beams in the sky and a bunch of unemployed actors running around pretending to be killer aliens from outer space...please go home...lock the door. Do not open the door. Do not let anyone except your tribe in. Do not sign any documentation. Just stay home and do not fall for it.
This too shall pass. Until the next one...and the next one...until we reach critical mass in the I will not fall for it department. Can't come soon enough.
hashish tag #isshejokingbecausesometimeswecannottell