Each day brings more surprises with regard to the level of imbecility on display. You don't have the courage to shop unmasked? You don't have the courage to enter a building without covering your face? Seriously?
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
You Don't Know What Courage Is.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Ho Ho Ho Woe Woe Woe
Woe unto the people of today. They know not the meaning of courage. Lions have become lickspittles. Hunters have become the hunted. Sovereign souls have handed their precious free will over to the darkness and are now feeble-minded, weak-willed empty shells.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Monday, November 8, 2021
Come Clean All Ye Who Serve the Dark Lord
Medical practitioners and medical officials. If you are knowingly covering up adverse reactions and mortality caused by you-know-what, come clean now.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Weeding Out Freethinkers
The Dark Establishment wants only obedient, servile conformists in its ranks...boot lickers not arse kickers. We now have two Americas; same location but different operational frequencies.
Those who took the Mark and despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, believe they did the right thing, have signed their death sentences. How will it serve the darkness if the only ones left alive are the freethinking sovereign souls?
Resist as though your lives depend on it because that is exactly what is at stake. Mass non-compliance is the only way out of this. It's a test, peeps...it's a test. If you don't live by your principles, you don't deserve sovereignty over this realm.
Stop cowering before the illusion. Wake up. Grow up. Let's clean this up.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
We Are Morons
We have become a race of mindless morons, repeating everything we hear on television. I challenge you all to find the courage, and self-respect, to challenge every divisive notion mainstream puts into our empty, disconnected from reality, heads.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Clarifying the Transgender Thing...OMG So Many Haters Out There Do Not Listen To My Words!
When I listen to someone's podcast, or read their blog, their posts and so forth, I do so knowing that perception is unique and individualized. If something they say/post resonates with me, cool. If it does not, and especially if I am triggered, I allow myself time to digest the content. Do I know anything about the author? Why was I triggered? Let me listen to it/read it a few times more and really try to understand what is being shared here. Did I cherry pick the parts that triggered me and disconnect them for the main body?
An author's duty is to present the material as clearly as possible but, since perception is individualized, the author has no control over how 8 billion plus people will interpret the content.
With regard to transgender issues, which seems to have started a chain of triggers, here is my opinion, presented as clearly as possible, with no fluff and no guff.
If you are born a biological male but, as an adult, you decide you will be happier living as a female, who am I to stop you? I can discuss with you, based on soul contracts, soul path etc. as to why you feel this way and whether or not this is the best path for you, but as an adult, you have dealt with these feelings and have struggled with them and as it is your life, no one else's, you have to make the decision as to what constitutes a functional and hopefully happy life for you. Good luck to you. It's a mean old world out there for those who wish to experience it outside the proverbial box.
If you are born a biological female but, as an adult, you decide you will be happier living as a male, who am I to stop you? I can discuss with you, based on soul contracts, soul path etc. as to why you feel this way and whether or not this is the best path for you, but as an adult, you have dealt with these feelings and have struggled with them and as it is your life, no one else's, you have to make the decision as to what constitutes a functional and hopefully happy life for you. Good luck to you. It's a mean old world out there for those who wish to experience it outside the proverbial box.
As long as it hurts no one, we should be free to live our lives as we see fit.
My advice to you is to make peace with your decision. If you are secure in your identity, if you have truly made the best decision for your life experience, then everyone else, an exception here or there, will be okay with it. After all, you made the choice so you could get on with life, right? You didn't make the choice to shock people or to disrupt their lives or to make yourself the center of attention, right? You did it because you want what everyone wants...to be comfortable in the body, in the mind and have a fighting chance at a happy, functional life.
The issue I have, and this is not limited to transgender issues, is when a schoolteacher tells a four year old boy it is okay for him to be a girl and wear a dress and act like a girl. Four year old peeps have barely graduated from pooping in their pants. We must allow their personalities to develop according to their soul paths. They chose their gender before incarnation and did so for a reason. If we wish guide young humans, we must pay careful attention and be sure to provide them with information suitable for their age group and level of awareness. Confusing young minds is the only issue I have ever had with this. Identify as an elephant for all I care...just don't put your trunk where it is not wanted.
The Establishment would like nothing better than to 'blur the lines' in every aspect of our lives. They hide this agenda under a thin veneer of fake liberalism. Their battle cry of, "Accept everything!" has a dark agenda. They are not encouraging tolerance and acceptance. Their goal is to turn mankind into one colorless, homogenous, pasteurized, sanitized hive mind collective. An obedient race of automaton slaves, accepting every type of behavior, including actively participating in our own demise, as normal.
Look around you now at the masks...the shots...the boosters...the censorship...the damning of traditional values and the glorification of violent criminals. Yes, it is all connected.
There is so much more to this than you ever thought possible. They are lulling you into subservience with their carefully crafted songs of equality for all. It's all a ruse.
To thine own self be true. Figure that one out, and you will enjoy the multiple challenges offered by playing the game of life. Walk around cherry picking and willfully misinterpreting the intentions of others while inserting the stick of self-righteous rectitude in your rectum, and it might not go so well.
I wish you well. Haters gonna hate. Baiters gonna bait. I have a Zoom session now and cannot be late.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
After Mando Jabberwocky comes...?
Without free will, the collective consciousness cannot
expand and evolve. Without free will,
mankind cannot thrive. If mankind allows
the group of power-hungry sociopaths calling itself ‘government’ to make
decisions on its behalf, mankind relegates its cosmic status to earthbound
slave aka brain-washed, mind-controlled automaton…terror-stricken obedient
servant, cowering before a corrupt state.
If, by now, you have not realized the greater agenda behind
current events, you are an imbecile, and we will have to move forward without
you. Make no mistake, we are moving
To those who have eagerly submitted to ridiculous,
humiliating, immoral, illegal, and evil instructions from the corrupt state, for
the privilege of simply going about your daily business…you have allowed yourselves
to be abused. You have shown the Dark
Establishment that you will do anything to keep things the way they are, and in
doing so, you have accepted abuse, corruption and evil as part of your lives.
Everything happening now, we warned you about for years. If you continue to allow and perhaps enjoy
the abuse heaped upon you by those who openly mock you and think of you as
cattle, let me tell you what comes after, “I’m okay with mando jabberwocky.”
“Good morning, Citizen Automaton #978635427466. Our records show you have two healthy kidneys. For the sake of public health, we require you
to surrender one. Here is your
appointment card.”
“Good morning Citizen Automaton #78563129876054. Our records show you are approaching your 65th
birthday. As you know, the state has
designated 65 years as the maximum time allowed for mortal life. Here is your appointment card for your trip
to the other place. The state thanks you
for your life and rest assured, your carcass will be put to good use.”
If you are giggling at the above, let me repeat that
everything we predicted, everything, is unfolding right now, right before your
very eyes. Everything we predict going
forward will also happen, just as we say it will.
You have a choice.
You can continue to feed the beast and lose your sovereignty or…you can
do something useful, nay glorious, with your incarnation. Fear feeds the beast and starves your
soul. Sovereignty affirms your cosmic
nature and makes you whole.
Stop cowering and start empowering!
Monday, August 23, 2021
It is not a pandemic. It is an IQ test. Many failed.
Pope wants Catholics to take the Mark of the Beast. Well played, Lucifer. Well played.
What Happened to our beloved country?
What happened to you, America?
Human Race...wash your face.
Gratz. You saved them a bunch of work and made them into billionaires, all while signing your own death warrants. Human race...go wash your face.
Laugh? Cry? Drink?
Laugh? Cry? Maybe I'll just have a martini.
Thursday, August 19, 2021
We Were Right about EVERYTHING
NWO is taking over in Australia. The police are acting as the jack boots of the Dark Establishment, smashing citizens’ rights and in some cases, their bodies.
Short Clips
Bring back the mean tweeter. This one has balls and brains the size of a tiny 'skeeter.

Don't Make Excuses. Own it and Move On.
As peeps awaken to the true agenda behind this evil, emotions begin to stir. I now see posts along the lines of, "Even if it turns out this was a hoax and I was a sheeple, I am okay with falling for it because my motivation was kindness."
Monday, August 16, 2021
Wake Up Stuff
This may be a novel concept for some but...you can say NO to any "guideline" that has death and serious injury as a side effect.
Emotions are Intel
Emotions are intelligence. They are not facts. They tell us how we feel about something in that moment in time.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Francine's Family
Okay. Sanity check. Francine, the needle worker you dated, does not protect you from Cyrus but, you must keep wearing a face diaper and dating her sisters and brothers because Cyrus also has sisters and brothers ( Shmariant, Frariant and Bubba Jo Dumbpoopiant) and they might harm you so, you invite Francine's family into your home although she did diddly squat for you but, your delusions lead you to believe her family might?
I Stand for the Second Amendment
I posted this one year ago and it stands today.
You Can Stick Your Mask Where the Sun Don't Shine
Good Morning Freethinkers

Join My Telegram Chat Group
Random Rants and Other Animals
At this point, anyone believing this is about health...anyone believing more rooster bots are going to save them...I guess your IQ must be very close to my target weight.
White Hats
Good Morning

Small Things
"It is not always great power that holds sway. It is sometimes the small things done daily with purity of heart and intent, blessed by the One Maker. These small, seemingly insignificant actions done daily, by many, will starve the beast."
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Greek Alphabet
ATTENTION CITIZENS: Are you familiar with the Greek Alphabet?
Join My Telegram Freethinkers Group
Freethinkers! We are still the majority. Mainstream media will jump through hoops of fire to keep this information from you but it is the truth.