Monday, July 13, 2020

Bring Out Your Dead!

💀😞The Establishment was so sure its corporate takeover would go without a hitch, it did not properly prepare for an immediate implementation of Plan B. The takeover bid, although working well on millions of former humans turned automatons, has run into a glitch in the form of self-aware citizens.

The Establishment's response to this was, "Turn up the volume. Make them think the v-i-r-u-s thingy IS a pandemic. They won't know the difference; they believe whatever the 'Daily Spin-Big Screen-Eff-Your-Dreams-Buy-Into-Ours' tells them."

Here in Oregon, Brown is about to turn the volume way up...and so am I. Meanwhile, I will walk, mask-less, through the streets of my little city, carefully wading through the mountains of dead bodies. Gosh, it's inconvenient.

I went for a dip in the river this morning and had quite a bit of trouble negotiating the thousands of floating corpses. How sad too that every third person I know has dropped dead. I can, quite literally, smell the decay all around me. O wait a minute. Perhaps that smell is something else. is the putrefaction of perceptual engineering.