"Just wear the mask." days, weeks, months pass by...
"It's just contact tracing. What's the harm? Let the Establishment track your every move." time passes...
"Well, if you want to regain your freedom, just let them stick you with the thing that is not the thing they tell you it is." time passes...
"Just hand in your firearms. What's the harm? The people who are trying to kill you by injecting you with the thing that is not the thing they tell you it is will protect you from the thugs they created and paid." more time passes...
"Attention Citizens: The stuff we told you was not in the thing which we told you was something else is actually in the thing and it seems you have started questioning the wisdom of the almighty state. We will now activate the stuff in the thing which is not the thing we told you it was. Do you feel calmer now? Good. Get in the boxcar and report to the NWO processing center for character assassination aka death of personality."
No more times passes because...you are dead...or as good as.