Saturday, June 26, 2021

Odds and Bods

Death by lethal injection. Now there's an interesting concept.  Have you had your shot today?  Did they reward you with a donut?

One doesn't simply date Francine! That first date seals your eternal commitment to her agenda. Oops.

Q: What keeps us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven, or, for secular spiritualists and everyone in-between, what erodes my intellect, blocks objectivity and destroys my self-confidence?
A: Fear. The Kingdom is made glorious by those who are not afraid.
Alignment, not confinement.

Good Evening, Citizens. Are you still operating under the delusion that something horrible in the air, a manifestation of Osiris perhaps, will kill you if you disobey Large Sibling? It seems you missed Gill Bates multiple references to depopulation by Francine over the years. We humans have such selective hearing. That is unfortunate so many will soon be disappearing.

First it was green monkeys, then soup made from bats. Someone has a warped imagination under his arrogant little hat. He fooled the drama junkies, then played cheat 'em with the stats but hey...remember the Nuremburg trials...they also hung the bureaucrats.

Equality of opportunity does not mean equality of outcome. That, my friends, is what free will is all about. Remove curiosity and motivation and you have a dumbed down, apathetic nation 🙂


Good Morning Free Thinkers. The Establishment now wants us to believe that natural immunity is a myth. If you fall for it, you deserve what you get. O what a slippery slope we build...if we do not think for ourselves...we will most likely be killed.

Put the Ouchy on Grouchy

I understand the current administration is planning a graceful exit for Grouchy. He does not deserve a graceful exit. He deserves to be tried for crimes against humanity and dealt with accordingly.


Oooof.....why can you not see this?

So, more peeps are realizing that the darkest-color-owing-to-the-absence-of-or-complete-absorption-of-light-entities-have-value movement has nothing to do with helping aforementioned entities thrive but is in fact...

a cash gathering operation for the blue branch of the Establishment in preparation for destroying local police agencies and federalizing all police agencies so that the new Thought Police can be used as a tool of the Establishment to enforce its will upon We the People...
to carry out acts such as forced death by lethal injection coming to a town near you. did not know this? Time to reboot the brain.

Our World is Filled With Feeble-Minded Cowards

 When peeps scream, "Prove it! Prove to me that your version of the narrative is the correct one!" The proof they require is me, wearing a white coat, explaining through the television screen. That's their idea of proof. They totally ignore the three dozen links I send them to facilitate their research...research they have no intention of conducting. Let these people go...we have better things to do right now. They are in love with Large Sibling. Give them space.

What Happened to Common Sense?

 Biological males should not compete as females in the sporting arena. This is not prejudice. This is simply common sense...does anyone remember our old friend, common sense? Why does it even have to be discussed? Are motorcycles allowed to compete in bicycle races? No, they are not. What the flip is the matter with everyone?

Too Obvious?

It's almost too obvious to point out but...if they really believe they won the selection and there was no broad, shouldn't they be the ones pushing for an audit? Or do alien turtles wear yellow hats while sunbathing on Mars?


Friday, June 18, 2021


June 10, 2021. In the world of so called medicine, treatments (drug prescriptions) have side effects. Side effects are...a new set of symptoms. It seems far too obvious then, that the prescribed treatment is in no shape or form, a cure.

IMO, modern medicine needs to be reviewed and overhauled. Managing a condition is not the same as healing it...clearly the practitioner has not understood the root cause of the primary condition.
The modern medical chemical industrial complex exists to "manage" conditions with chemical products that produce new conditions and through relentless advertising campaigns, humans have come to accept this as normal.
I assure you, it is far from normal, it is far from ethical and it is why millions today have been bamboozled into poisoning themselves by injecting a substance that is not a vaccine, for a condition that does not exist. Holy stupid are we?

Grow a Pair.

As long as you remain afraid...the bad guys have it made. The moment you align with spirit and demand they respect your rights, you will see how quickly they crumble and how much THEY fear a righteous fight. Time to grow up Peeps. If you allow coercion to be the new way of will take generations to repair the damage...assuming enough free thinkers are left to take on the task.

Home is where the start is.

Terrible things happen to people all over the world. Start by addressing the terrible things going on in your part of the world. If you want cred...clean up your homestead.

Baaa Baaa

The billionaire controllers lie to us and keep us in the dark because they think we cannot handle the truth. A great many of you are doing a wonderful job proving them right.

Choose Well.

To those who know they are acquiescing to evil but go along with it because they don't want to rock the boat/argue with others/be inconvenienced/hope it will all just go away/insert another lame excuse are slip-sliding down a slippery slope. When you reach the bottom, you have run out of hope. No one is coming to rescue you. Choose well.



Those who conspired to deceive
and did so with so much pomp and arrogance...
wait 'till you see what the white hats have up their sleeves...
you will pay for your greed and suffer for your malevolence.


 Equality of opportunity does not mean equality of outcome. That, my friends, is what free will is all about. Remove curiosity and motivation and you have a dumbed down, apathetic nation.


Green Monkey?

First it was green monkeys, then soup made from bats. Someone has a warped imagination under his arrogant little hat. He fooled the drama junkies, then played cheat 'em with the stats but hey...remember the Nuremburg trials...they also hung the bureaucrats.


Good Evening, Citizens. Are you still operating under the delusion that something horrible in the air, a manifestation of Osiris perhaps, will kill you if you disobey Large Sibling? It seems you missed Gill Bates multiple references to depopulation by Francine over the years. We humans have such selective hearing. That is unfortunate so many will soon be disappearing.


Monday, June 7, 2021

Toro! Toro! Toro!

 June 7, 2021:

I heard this on the main news channels. They are advertising a new burger. It is a new recipe, an experiment, if you will. They say you should eat one, even if you are not hungry. In fact, they strongly advise eating one just in case you get hungry...which makes no sense yet here we are.
A great many people died almost immediately after eating this new burger. Many others, a significant portion of eaters, became very ill, suffering myriad adverse reactions.
Stranger still, people who did not eat the burger but, spent time in the company of experimental burger eaters, have also reported feeling ill.
Stating inadequate burger trials, the Bureau of Burger Safety has not approved this particular burger for consumption. While this should be a bright red flag, ( Toro! Toro! Toro! ) it seems the Bureau of Perceptual Engineering, openly citing little or no interest in the safety of citizens, has designed a campaign to cajole, (note use of polite word) by any means possible, aforementioned citizens into risking their lives by consuming the burger even though the citizens are not hungry (because there is no famine) and therefore have no need of it.
Stranger still, people appear to have lost their minds and are now posting pictures of themselves, burger in hand, boasting, "I ate the burger but have not yet died."
The Bureau of Perceptual Engineering, noting favorable early results, now suggests (actually means insists) citizens should try a new burger every three months. They have promised to diversify the toppings to make the death patty more appealing.
This is what a world looks like when people trust propaganda and turn away from their inner knowing.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Faux Pride

PERSONAL OPINION. I am posting my opinion and am not really interested in yours, for this post anyway. I don't speak for gay people at large although it is no secret that I bat for the other team...the team without bats. To all the corporate big business out there and their fake woke We Love Gays poop fest...shut up. You are exploiting a business opportunity, nothing more. Man, it is becoming easier to save money with each passing day. So many places to shop crossed off my list. Urgh. Sincerity these days is as rare as a lobster at a Seder dinner.

Stop Giving Mask Nazis Your Money!

If you value sovereignty, stop giving your money to organizations that enforce illegal mask mandates and/or require proof of a medical procedure. It's that simple. There is a grocery store a short walk from my home. They are mask maniacs.

I drive a few miles to shop at another grocery store, same company, different location. At this location, the staff exemplify what makes America great. They honor freedom of choice. They honor individual sovereignty and national sovereignty and they honor the phrase, We the People. They get my money and also my respect. True freedom, my friends, starts from within. To thine own self be true and do not let jumped up bought and paid for petty politicians tell you how to live your lives.

So, you fell for it. Admit it.

So, you fell for it. Admit it. If you had questioned it, you would not have fallen for it. Admit it. You now have a choice. Bury your head in the sand and think up one hundred ways to justify your blind obedience to the magic box or...consider why you fell for it and make sure you never fall for it again. I suggest choosing the latter.

All this leaves one battered and bruised.