Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Conscience...not Convenience.

Big T made peace, even with North Korea. He exposed corruption-an understatement-and showed everyone the fetid pool of blackmailed self-serving minions that passes for government. He did this, and more, knowing the people were still asleep and feeding from the big spoon of the official narrative.

This meant he had to work, for the most part, within that false narrative-if people think they are in a

dream-you must be careful not to wake them up too quickly into the nightmare.
He pointed to corruption in both parties. He realized the importance of small government and states' rights. He understood that p h a r ma was a big fat cash cow for the dark establishment, one that followed the mission of the military industrial complex-perpetual war = big money. Perpetual sickness = big money.
Note the power of the propagandized press when applied to a dumbed down population, one accustomed to convenience, not conscience. The press convinced the non-thinkers, the goggle-box addicts, that the man who agreed to be the figurehead for America's salvation from tyranny was a delusional maniac working for his own good.
To the people who fell for this, shame on you. Clearly, you took no time to research his past. T is a billionaire with a hot wife, a brilliant kid, free to live as he pleases and can have any darn thing his heart desires. Why would he give that up to be mocked, misrepresented, ridiculed and subject to illegal and immoral lawfare?
He did it, and continues to do it because he knows America has a sacred purpose. If America falls to globalist tyranny, it will be an almighty mess. Patriots will never submit. It will be perpetual civil war. It is all or nothing. Without sovereignty, life is worthless. Why waste an entire incarnation experiencing slavery?
Someone turn off the headlights, please. The deer are in a catatonic trance.