I will post link soon :-)
Friday, July 12, 2024
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Use Common Sense!
It is my inalienable right to ask this question and many more. Why is there antisemitism law but not an anti American or anti Armenian or anti French or anti Lakota or anti deep fried macaroni law? Hate crime is not a thing. There is crime and the reason you committed the crime. The term hate crime is applied selectively so, for those not in the know and flow of today's surrealism, that's a red flag. I'm waving it. Bite me.

Conscience...not Convenience.
Big T made peace, even with North Korea. He exposed corruption-an understatement-and showed everyone the fetid pool of blackmailed self-serving minions that passes for government. He did this, and more, knowing the people were still asleep and feeding from the big spoon of the official narrative.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Don't Fall for the Gay Propaganda! It does not come from gays...it's an Establishment trick.
Before I pen this segment, and for what it is worth to anyone, my partner is female so I guess that makes me gay. Our sexuality is of no consequence to us. We have never experienced even a hint of prejudice. Why is that? It is because our sexuality is of no consequence to us and therefore of no consequence to anyone else. No one hires us for sex. We have other marketable skills. Thank you :-)
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Fly Your Flag in Your Home Country. This is America.
If you want to protest against atrocities, perceived or real, in another country, please go to that country and continue the protest over there. You think you know who did what and why but the truth is, you don't have a clue. Today's world is an endless web of corruption, greed, power plays, lies and all manner of depravity. Waving banners and screaming obscenities does nothing for your self image or your cause. Foolish children. You have taken the coward's way out. You deserve no respect. You want to fight? Take a flight.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Cow Magic lol. The 4th Dimension is not a Realm Of Messiahs but of Self-Realization.
No more Black Swans. Only Red Cows going forward. The arrogance...OMG. Cows and occult magic are an amusing combo but these folks are nutjobs who put a great deal of faith in ancient superstition. Christians support Israel because they believe the second coming is at hand. The 4th dimension is not a realm of messiahs. It's a realm of personal responsibility and self-realization. Watching this insanity is an experience I will take with me into other lifetimes. Jesus wept...and is not coming back. Even the sane people have gone mad. The catch phrase for the next two years is Cognitive Dissonance. Fun times ahead.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
I will not give quarter to illegal invaders.
FFAS: In a rare collectors moment, CNN took time Tuesday to give Donald Trump credit regarding illegal immigration, admitting that the US does “have a problem,” at the border and that Biden has “made the problem worse.”
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Why is the border open? Why is the current puppet globalist administration letting million of illegals into the country, clothing them, feeding them, giving them shelter often at the expense of veterans and other citizens?
Friday, March 1, 2024
They Will Set the World on Fire...
If Big T wins the primaries, how the heck are the globalist scum going to fake the election this time around? If you listen carefully, they have said, outright and out loud, even if he wins, as he did without doubt last time, they are going to take steps to stop him. These people are so compromised, so corrupt, they have soooo much to fear from blackmail, they will literally set the whole world on fire to stop their evil from being exposed.
They won't succeed because millions of patriots will not let this gospel of filth spread and further infect our land. We will never give up and we will never surrender. The Luciferian cancer will be removed and the wounds it left on our sanity will be cauterized. Some would quote, and it's a mistranslation, "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord." I read that as, "The law of Karma is in place and always will be.
Good luck to you when the time comes for you to explain why you murdered millions and ruined billions of lives for what...for money?" Greed is a demon and if you let him in, he buries his tentacles very deep within your being. Removing those tentacles is not always possible. Why? Because greed weakens the mind and weak minds cannot fight demons.
Friday, February 23, 2024
Steve looks at Brad and smirks. He walks away but Steve does not know that Brad and his friends outnumber Steve one million to one. Or maybe he knows but thinks it's okay because Steve has studied history and knows that given the right amount of cash, any human relationship can be altered. But Brad knows his humanity is a temporary expression of Source...and Brad is pissed off by Steve's rodent-like-persona. Steve smiles because he knows that if Brad wants to play the game, he has to abide by Steve's rules. Brad smiles because he and his friends have decided not to play in Steve's game. It will take Steve a while to figure it out. Brad and co will no longer use Steve's services or purchase Steve's products or live on Steve's land. Brad and co start a glorious new adventure...Escape from the Mad Matrix. xoxoxo
For those who think we are still immersed in partisan politics. For those who call us Trumpers and for those who define the phrase poll parrots: We do not partake in the cult of personality.
Friday, February 16, 2024
15 Minute Prisons
These 15 minute cities would work well as mental health facilities. It would be a boon to those with memory issues and a safe haven for those who are too feeble-minded to think for themselves...those who enjoy being told what to think, what to do, how to do it, what to eat, when to eat, how to eat it 🙂 They could be small 'inert' zones for those no longer able to contribute to the expansion of consciousness in any meaningful way.
As long as the latter realize there will be no escape without revolution. People who cannot think for themselves will have a hard time with the engagement in revolution part. Once you are in...they won't let you out.
Monday, February 12, 2024
USA Has One National Anthem.
A black national anthem? WTF? Really? If you bought into this, thinking it is about inclusivity, you are too easily led! It is the opposite. The Establishment is seeking to divide and conquer because we are finally learning to get along and their corruption is being exposed.
Feelings? Process them and grow up, please.
If your feelings are easily hurt, the false ego has a strong hold over your mind. Feelings, emotions, are intelligence. They let us know how we feel about something as it happens...that doesn't mean we act on those feelings. That would be dysfunctional and unhealthy.
Friday, January 12, 2024
The Feds are Messing with the Star Spangled. They should be dangled.
Please ask yourselves how we got to the place where a state government has to defend the country against a planned invasion by the federal government. Then ask yourselves why we allowed the people elected (yes, I know it was fraud) to defend our country are still walking and not dangling for treason?