Monday, May 1, 2023

15 Minute Gulags

15 minute cities are not about the environment. They are created by the Establishment to make population lock down easier for them. Confined to a small area, they will be prisons and when it is time to cull the population, because the you know what did not kill enough of us, they will become gulags.
After three years of this BS, and now that only the truly dim-witted cannot see the agenda, we should fight this with every fiber of our being. They see us as lab rats fit for nothing except medical experimentation. Those who acquiesced and accepted the mark of the beast showed them how easy it is to frighten mankind into submission.

If you want to live life as a fully controlled automaton, this is your chance. For the rest of us, freethinkers, those who understand that there is no such thing as freedom without respect and honor for individual rights, it is not an option. We came to Earth to embody the Divine within, to expand consciousness. Why would you throw that away in favor of transhumanism?