Daily reminder. Mainstream media is a propaganda machine and if you believe its narrative, you are are brainwashed. Not an insult but a fact.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Daily Reminder
Friday, February 18, 2022
My Telegram Channels
Peeps, I have two Telegram channels. The first is dedicated to my silly poems and spoof songs. The second is a general chat support group for patriot freethinkers.
I'm back and apologies for absence. Work has been beyond crazy. OMG! Canadian cops are Lickspittles!
#1 Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Italy...this is what happens when you give government too much power. This is why we Americans will never give up our 2nd Amendment rights. If you are okay with the illegal, immoral, evil actions of tyrants, please take a moment to go home and feed your pet pineapples. The voices in your heads...yes...they are real. ;-(
#2 Cops in Canada are going to get a dose of Car-ma. Hey, copper! Leave those trucks alone! You can serve the Light and help us win this war or...you can be Trudeau's whores. I have worked with many cops over the years and I don't know a single one who would take arms against their own people. Shame on you. Vos actions sont déshonorantes.
#3 Peeps write to me to let me know they do not resonate with my religious language. "I am not a Christian.' or "We are not religious." On both counts, nor am I. That said, I do have the utmost reverence for Emmanuel and while I have no need for religion, a man-made construct, I strive to live my life through cosmic divine alignment. If it helps, do this. Replace God with the Force and Lucifer with Darth Vader. Better? Good. Thank you.

#7 Y'all know that woman is not actually Hillary Killer Clinton...right? Y'all know that's not Joe the Deep State Ho Biden...right? Y'all know that's not O so grossee Pelosi...right? Y'all see the difference when they use Illuminati Toy Boy Trudeau's double...right? I mean...look closely. It's obvious.
#8 Whatever you read in Satan Stream media about Ukraine is...rubbish.
#9 The Cabal disguised dystopia as democracy and y'all fell for it? Swiss cheese has fewer holes than the official narrative yet...y'all fell for it?
#10 Sung to the tune Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley.