Friday, July 12, 2024


I will post link soon :-)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Use Common Sense!


It is my inalienable right to ask this question and many more. Why is there antisemitism law but not an anti American or anti Armenian or anti French or anti Lakota or anti deep fried macaroni law? Hate crime is not a thing. There is crime and the reason you committed the crime. The term hate crime is applied selectively so, for those not in the know and flow of today's surrealism, that's a red flag. I'm waving it. Bite me. 🙂

Conscience...not Convenience.

Big T made peace, even with North Korea. He exposed corruption-an understatement-and showed everyone the fetid pool of blackmailed self-serving minions that passes for government. He did this, and more, knowing the people were still asleep and feeding from the big spoon of the official narrative.

This meant he had to work, for the most part, within that false narrative-if people think they are in a

dream-you must be careful not to wake them up too quickly into the nightmare.
He pointed to corruption in both parties. He realized the importance of small government and states' rights. He understood that p h a r ma was a big fat cash cow for the dark establishment, one that followed the mission of the military industrial complex-perpetual war = big money. Perpetual sickness = big money.
Note the power of the propagandized press when applied to a dumbed down population, one accustomed to convenience, not conscience. The press convinced the non-thinkers, the goggle-box addicts, that the man who agreed to be the figurehead for America's salvation from tyranny was a delusional maniac working for his own good.
To the people who fell for this, shame on you. Clearly, you took no time to research his past. T is a billionaire with a hot wife, a brilliant kid, free to live as he pleases and can have any darn thing his heart desires. Why would he give that up to be mocked, misrepresented, ridiculed and subject to illegal and immoral lawfare?
He did it, and continues to do it because he knows America has a sacred purpose. If America falls to globalist tyranny, it will be an almighty mess. Patriots will never submit. It will be perpetual civil war. It is all or nothing. Without sovereignty, life is worthless. Why waste an entire incarnation experiencing slavery?
Someone turn off the headlights, please. The deer are in a catatonic trance.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Don't Fall for the Gay Propaganda! It does not come from's an Establishment trick.

Before I pen this segment, and for what it is worth to anyone, my partner is female so I guess that makes me gay. Our sexuality is of no consequence to us. We have never experienced even a hint of prejudice. Why is that? It is because our sexuality is of no consequence to us and therefore of no consequence to anyone else. No one hires us for sex. We have other marketable skills. Thank you :-)

Did you ever think we could come to a place where an organization named Gays Against Groomers would be labeled an extreme right-wing entity?
The original Pride was Gay Lib and no one wanted one wanted their sexuality celebrated...they just wanted equality in the work place.
As with Women's Suffrage, it served its purpose and now we move on and get on with life...and things were going well enough. So well in fact that the Dark Establishment could not tolerate seeing people get along, co-operating, treating one another with simple courtesy, maturity.
As with race and color, they just had to step in and renew the dying embers of ancient ignorance and prejudice.
And people fell for it! Please remember that your average common or garden variety gay person has no interest in parading themselves in the streets. We would much rather have a month dedicated to another cause. How about a month dedicated to Veterans' Mental Health?
Below is a quote from Gays against Groomers.
We need people to understand that the militant LGBTQ+ activism and agenda you see today is NOT our doing. It is NOT organic. We are being used as pawns and scapegoats in the system.
Gays Against Groomers is here to fight back against it and say NO. We never consented to any of this, never wanted it, and will do all we can to stop it.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Fly Your Flag in Your Home Country. This is America.

If you want to protest against atrocities, perceived or real, in another country, please go to that country and continue the protest over there. You think you know who did what and why but the truth is, you don't have a clue. Today's world is an endless web of corruption, greed, power plays, lies and all manner of depravity. Waving banners and screaming obscenities does nothing for your self image or your cause. Foolish children. You have taken the coward's way out. You deserve no respect. You want to fight? Take a flight.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Cow Magic lol. The 4th Dimension is not a Realm Of Messiahs but of Self-Realization.

No more Black Swans. Only Red Cows going forward. The arrogance...OMG. Cows and occult magic are an amusing combo but these folks are nutjobs who put a great deal of faith in ancient superstition. Christians support Israel because they believe the second coming is at hand. The 4th dimension is not a realm of messiahs. It's a realm of personal responsibility and self-realization. Watching this insanity is an experience I will take with me into other lifetimes. Jesus wept...and is not coming back. Even the sane people have gone mad. The catch phrase for the next two years is Cognitive Dissonance. Fun times ahead.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

I will not give quarter to illegal invaders.

 FFAS: In a rare collectors moment, CNN took time Tuesday to give Donald Trump credit regarding illegal immigration, admitting that the US does “have a problem,” at the border and that Biden has “made the problem worse.”

Ani : Has Hell frozen over? But 'made the problem worse' is an understatement. This is an invasion of the USA by it's own puppet NWO lickspittle administration.
They have declared war on the American Citizen. They have imported thousands, millions of illegals, given them money and shelter (in some cases throwing veterans and other citizens out of their accommodations) in return for voting Democrat and all because they do not want their corruption exposed and their grip on the reign of power lost.
These people disgust me but not as much as the ones who look on and say and do nothing. Now this puppet administration of entitled bottom feeders wants citizens to house these illegal invaders our homes. So, to recap, this puppet administration is asking citizens to quarter enemy combatants in their homes.
I am neither donkey or elephant. My ideology is Libertarian and my goal is to see the end of the Deep State and multi-party system in favor of one American Assembly with NO CAREER POLITICIANS. I have no option but to vote for Big T (and I do so willingly with great respect) because he has the guts to look pure evil in the eye and say, "Gentlemen, bring it, Game on."
Peeps tell me, "I agree with him but I can't stand him." Who cares? You need a savvy alpha on crack to fight this evil...a man who cannot be bought. Go Big T! If you want to know who T really is, don't listen to the wankers in mainstream media. Take the time to research all his interviews from the beginning of his time. Take some time to research who he really is and what he has done for others. He has put EVERYTHING on the line to save this country from the evils of totalitarianism. His life, the lives of his family and close associates.
Evil declares lawfare against those who seek to topple them from the seats of power. Justice will be served.