I will post link soon :-)
Friday, July 12, 2024
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Use Common Sense!
It is my inalienable right to ask this question and many more. Why is there antisemitism law but not an anti American or anti Armenian or anti French or anti Lakota or anti deep fried macaroni law? Hate crime is not a thing. There is crime and the reason you committed the crime. The term hate crime is applied selectively so, for those not in the know and flow of today's surrealism, that's a red flag. I'm waving it. Bite me.

Conscience...not Convenience.
Big T made peace, even with North Korea. He exposed corruption-an understatement-and showed everyone the fetid pool of blackmailed self-serving minions that passes for government. He did this, and more, knowing the people were still asleep and feeding from the big spoon of the official narrative.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Don't Fall for the Gay Propaganda! It does not come from gays...it's an Establishment trick.
Before I pen this segment, and for what it is worth to anyone, my partner is female so I guess that makes me gay. Our sexuality is of no consequence to us. We have never experienced even a hint of prejudice. Why is that? It is because our sexuality is of no consequence to us and therefore of no consequence to anyone else. No one hires us for sex. We have other marketable skills. Thank you :-)
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Fly Your Flag in Your Home Country. This is America.
If you want to protest against atrocities, perceived or real, in another country, please go to that country and continue the protest over there. You think you know who did what and why but the truth is, you don't have a clue. Today's world is an endless web of corruption, greed, power plays, lies and all manner of depravity. Waving banners and screaming obscenities does nothing for your self image or your cause. Foolish children. You have taken the coward's way out. You deserve no respect. You want to fight? Take a flight.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Cow Magic lol. The 4th Dimension is not a Realm Of Messiahs but of Self-Realization.
No more Black Swans. Only Red Cows going forward. The arrogance...OMG. Cows and occult magic are an amusing combo but these folks are nutjobs who put a great deal of faith in ancient superstition. Christians support Israel because they believe the second coming is at hand. The 4th dimension is not a realm of messiahs. It's a realm of personal responsibility and self-realization. Watching this insanity is an experience I will take with me into other lifetimes. Jesus wept...and is not coming back. Even the sane people have gone mad. The catch phrase for the next two years is Cognitive Dissonance. Fun times ahead.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
I will not give quarter to illegal invaders.
FFAS: In a rare collectors moment, CNN took time Tuesday to give Donald Trump credit regarding illegal immigration, admitting that the US does “have a problem,” at the border and that Biden has “made the problem worse.”