I sit here, piping hot coffee in hand, chuckling. Chuckling is better than wailing. How many times have we talked of deep state, of new world order? We warned you. We showed you the signs to look out for. We sent you literature to peruse. You scoffed. Now Macron, Lucifer's minion, and all his Baal-Bound Buddies WEF are openly announcing their desire to implement the very measures we warned you about.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Baal's Bum Boy
Welfare State
Thought for the day: when people take care of each other, that's common decency. When the Establishment takes care of people, that's the creation of the welfare state. Study it. It has nothing to do with lifting people up. Quite the opposite. It's an interesting study, for those who are interested in study.
In the long run, it is better to be self aware than on welfare.
The Measure of One One Four. It should never have made it out of the door.
Good morning, all you beautiful freethinkers

Metaphysical Martini podcast 11-23-2022
You Tube keeps taking my videos down. Bitchute does not censor. Behold my latest Metaphysical Martini!
I will tell the truth
From Astoria to Duluth.
If you do not like my content
Please go elsewhere to vent.
Divide, Conquer and Crucify.
Certain elements are putting forward the theory that Jesus was transgender. Don't take the bait. Don't fall for the division game. Don't let the petty ego win. Smile, laugh it off and move on. Make the big guy proud. If you are distracted by every dog that barks...you will never reach your destination. You have better things to do. Saving America from NWO is a much better project.