Friday, March 25, 2022

I Wish Patriots Were Better Educated on World Events

I wish patriots, on all 'sides' were better educated with regard to the world arena. It's not enough to love America. You have to know what America stands for in the bigger picture. You have to study world history. You have to accept and understand the role of whatever you wish to call the ideology of deep state. It is real and unless you understand who, what where and how...your patriotism is just a thin veneer covering the corrupt cesspool of evil we find ourselves wading through today. Once you accept that mainstream news, on all sides, is the mouthpiece of deep state...a propaganda machine...the rest falls into place.

Selective Morality of the Masses

How many wars have been fought over the last twenty years or so? How many so called wars were you outraged by? I will answer that for you. The ones mainstream media told you to be outraged by. Have the courage to admit this. You don't really care about it until mainstream shows it to you...their own version of it...and they then proceed to tell you how you should feel about it and what you should do about it.

If you had any genuine interest in world affairs, you would look for sources beyond the propaganda machine. You would not need the Mouth of Sauron to inform you of current events or manipulate your emotions.
If you had any genuine interest in world affairs, you would spot the cold, calculated manipulation in under ten seconds.
Admit this. Move on and be a better human.

Really some history books.

The reason 'elites' such as WEF, are cutting ties with Russia is because Russia is rejecting New World Order slavery. This is obvious to people who do not have their noses glued to the magic propaganda box. Ask yourself why senor poo teen worked so very hard to stay in power for so many years...while the newly founded oligarchs fell over themselves worshiping the red shield brigade. Pirozhki anyone?

Blokes and Birds.

Allowing males to compete in female sports is the opposite of equality. Why is this not obvious? It is an open attack on women. It is the patriarchy telling women, "Eff you...we'll show you who's boss. we can play at being women and the brainwashed masses will think they are being virtuous little morons by supporting us." Why are people so very stupid?

Where Grace is Restored

From spirit to human. From human to programmed automaton. We have devolved from glorious space adventurers; we are now spoon-fed pets of the ever-growing behemoth we call the State. A fundamental change in thinking is required to get us back on track…but automatons don’t think for themselves. The magic propaganda box tells them what to do and how to do it. To those in their right minds…do not give up. Remain aligned with the Force. Hold the line. Remain aware, remain vigilant. The final convergence stands. Where grace is restored, common sense follows.


Naughty little have put the world on a collision course with the truth. Buckle up all you sleepers.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Such Ignorance...such arrogance.

Do you get your information from mainstream news?
How many 'wars' have been fought over the last twenty years or so? How many so called wars were you outraged by? I will answer that for you. The ones mainstream media told you to be outraged by. Have the courage to admit this. You don't really care about it until mainstream shows it to you...their own version of it...and they then proceed to tell you how you should feel about it and what you should do about it.
If you had any genuine interest in world affairs, you would look for sources beyond the propaganda machine. You would not need the Mouth of Sauron to inform you of current events or manipulate your emotions.
If you had any genuine interest in world affairs, you would spot the cold, calculated manipulation in under ten seconds.
Admit this. Move on and be a better human.