Monday, December 25, 2023

To All The Carbo-Loading Carol Singers


To All the Carbo-Loading Carol Singers.


Let us be honest and accept this unpleasant fact.

The odds are against us, they are heavily stacked.

We will not honor our new year resolutions.

Our chance of compliance is at best, lilliputian.

There’s shortbread and cake, there will be puddings and cookies.

It’s the Holiday Hunger games, and we are no rookies.

It’s a challenging time for self-esteem and self-worth.

As we watch the expansion of our waistlines and girth.


Strange forces take over. The Sugar Gods giggle

As they watch our flabby bits jingle and wiggle.

What fun they will have at our expense.

The very thought makes me nervous and tense.


And yet the allure of a table fully laden

Brings out my dark side, the hungering pagan.

Cool heads should prevail but alack and alas.

When it comes to pastry, I’m at the top of my class.


I need no encouragement, no guidance or goading.

I admit, I’m proficient at carbo-loading.

Will this year be different? Will I employ common sense?

I could just stay home. O…the suspense!


I have an idea to prevent cardiac ablation.

A novel idea which we call moderation.

If I rethink and regroup and take control of my mind.

I can resist without feeling maligned.


Yes, that’s the ticket, that’s what I’ll do.

I’ll take tiny bites and my cravings subdue.

How clever am I to come up with a plan.

My health is assured o wait…is that Mexican Flan?


Let me be honest and accept this unpleasant fact.

The odds are against me, they are heavily stacked.

I will not honor my new year resolutions.

My chance of compliance is at best, lilliputian.

Ani Avedissian copyright 2023