Saturday, March 9, 2024

I will not give quarter to illegal invaders.

 FFAS: In a rare collectors moment, CNN took time Tuesday to give Donald Trump credit regarding illegal immigration, admitting that the US does “have a problem,” at the border and that Biden has “made the problem worse.”

Ani : Has Hell frozen over? But 'made the problem worse' is an understatement. This is an invasion of the USA by it's own puppet NWO lickspittle administration.
They have declared war on the American Citizen. They have imported thousands, millions of illegals, given them money and shelter (in some cases throwing veterans and other citizens out of their accommodations) in return for voting Democrat and all because they do not want their corruption exposed and their grip on the reign of power lost.
These people disgust me but not as much as the ones who look on and say and do nothing. Now this puppet administration of entitled bottom feeders wants citizens to house these illegal invaders our homes. So, to recap, this puppet administration is asking citizens to quarter enemy combatants in their homes.
I am neither donkey or elephant. My ideology is Libertarian and my goal is to see the end of the Deep State and multi-party system in favor of one American Assembly with NO CAREER POLITICIANS. I have no option but to vote for Big T (and I do so willingly with great respect) because he has the guts to look pure evil in the eye and say, "Gentlemen, bring it, Game on."
Peeps tell me, "I agree with him but I can't stand him." Who cares? You need a savvy alpha on crack to fight this evil...a man who cannot be bought. Go Big T! If you want to know who T really is, don't listen to the wankers in mainstream media. Take the time to research all his interviews from the beginning of his time. Take some time to research who he really is and what he has done for others. He has put EVERYTHING on the line to save this country from the evils of totalitarianism. His life, the lives of his family and close associates.
Evil declares lawfare against those who seek to topple them from the seats of power. Justice will be served.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Why is the border open? Why is the current puppet globalist administration letting million of illegals into the country, clothing them, feeding them, giving them shelter often at the expense of veterans and other citizens?

Because they know the last election was stolen and they know Trump will win the primaries, making it almost impossible to steal the next one so...they import the people no one else wants, give them money etc. as long as they vote Democrat...they want to make it legal for illegals to vote.
This is an open war on the American people by it's own (illegally installed) puppet administration. This needs to be seen and understood. This administration of blackmailed Luciferian puppets has only one goal. To destroy America and make it into a totalitarian prison camp.
And most people go about their business as though nothing is happening! Thank God for the patriots who take an interest in how the world is run.
Never surrender. Never acquiesce. No compromise. They will be deported, all of them. Those who spread the gospel of filth shall be tried and sentenced. We shall restore the Republic. Without sovereignty, there is no growth. I swear to defend my country against all enemies, foreign and let's start with the domestic and let's start with the fake government and the fake news and the machinery of deep state. Where we go one, we go all.

Friday, March 1, 2024

They Will Set the World on Fire...

If Big T wins the primaries, how the heck are the globalist scum going to fake the election this time around? If you listen carefully, they have said, outright and out loud, even if he wins, as he did without doubt last time, they are going to take steps to stop him. These people are so compromised, so corrupt, they have soooo much to fear from blackmail, they will literally set the whole world on fire to stop their evil from being exposed.

They won't succeed because millions of patriots will not let this gospel of filth spread and further infect our land. We will never give up and we will never surrender. The Luciferian cancer will be removed and the wounds it left on our sanity will be cauterized. Some would quote, and it's a mistranslation, "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord." I read that as, "The law of Karma is in place and always will be.

Good luck to you when the time comes for you to explain why you murdered millions and ruined billions of lives for what...for money?" Greed is a demon and if you let him in, he buries his tentacles very deep within your being. Removing those tentacles is not always possible. Why? Because greed weakens the mind and weak minds cannot fight demons.